Below I’ve linked copies of newly compiled sets of VA 2020 President and 2021 Governor November General Election data for anybody who is interested. The data set is compiled from only official VA Dept of Elections data sources including the General Election CSV files, the turnout CSV files, and the Daily Absentee List for each election.
Columns common to all source data:
- “LOCALITY” – Locality Name
- “DISTRICT” – Congressional district ID number
- “PRECINCT_ID” – Precinct ID number
- “PRECINCT” – Precinct Name
Columns compiled from the General Election CSV file:
- “Democratic” – Number of Democratic Party Votes
- “Liberation” – Number of Liberation Party Votes
- “Republican”- Number of Republican Party Votes
- “UNDEFINED” – Number of Write in Votes
- “TOTAL_VOTES” – Sum of [“Democratic”, “Liberation”, “Republican”, “UNDEFINED”]
Columns compiled from the Turnout CSV file:
- “PROVISIONAL_BALLOTS” – Number of Provisional Ballots
- “ABSENTEE_BALLOTS” – Number of Absentee Ballots
- “CURBSIDE_BALLOTS” – Number of Curbside Ballots
- “TOTAL_VOTE_TURNOUT” – Total number of ballots coollected
- “ACTIVE_REGISTERED_VOTERS” – The number of active voters
- “TOTAL_REGISTERED_VOTERS” – The total number of registered voters
Columns compiled from the DAL file:
- “ABSENTEE_ISSUED” – Number of approved but outstanding “Issued” ballots listed in the DAL
- “ABSENTEE_MARKED” – Number of approved ballots listed as “Marked” in the DAL
- “ABSENTEE_PRE_PROCESSED” – Number of approved ballots listed as “Pre-Processed” in the DAL
- “ABSENTEE_EARLY_IN_PERSON” – Number of approved ballots listed as “On Machine” in the DAL
- “ABSENTEE_FWAB” – Number of approved ballots listed as “FWAB” in the DAL
Columns created by summing all entries in a locality: