Election Data Analysis Election Forensics Election Integrity technical

Potential Double Voters in VA 2024 DEM and REP March Primary

EPEC has identified at least 28 individual voter IDs in the 2024 VA March Primaries who, according to the Daily Absentee List (DAL) files purchased from the VA Department of Elections (a.k.a. “ELECT”), have a record showing they voted in both the Republican and Democratic primaries.

All of the records identified have the same voter ID and voter information appearing in both the Democratic and Republican DAL files and are recorded as having voted In-Person Early (a.k.a. an “On Machine” ballot). 26 of the individual voter IDs identified have nearly identical timestamps associated with their duplicated ballots, while 2 have significantly differing timestamps.

The number of identified records fall into a small handful of localities:

  • Hanover County had 1 identified record (different timestamps)
  • Northampton County had 1 identified record (different timestamps)
  • Bath County had 12 identified records
  • Norfolk County had 11 identified records
  • Franklin County had 1 identified record
  • Harrisonburg City had 1 identified record
  • Staunton City had 1 identified record

Note that the localities with identified records utilize differing poll-book or poll-pad vendors and optical scanners, so it is unlikely that these errors are due to being associated with a particular vendor.

It is not clear at this point if these records are simply errant due to technology, policy, and/or procedural issues, or if these records truly reflect individuals that cast ballots in both primaries, which is a felony according to VA law. Section 24.2-1004 of the VA code states:

B. Any person who intentionally (i) votes more than once in the same election, whether those votes are cast in Virginia or in Virginia and any other state or territory of the United States, (ii) procures, assists, or induces another to vote more than once in the same election, whether those votes are cast in Virginia or in Virginia and any other state or territory of the United States, (iii) votes knowing that he is not qualified to vote where and when the vote is to be given, or (iv) procures, assists, or induces another to vote knowing that such person is not qualified to vote where and when the vote is to be given is guilty of a Class 6 felony.

The VA Department of Elections (“ELECT”) also states:

Virginia will have a dual presidential primary election, which means both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party will have primaries on the same day.

In a dual primary, officers of election will ask voters if they want to cast their ballot in the Democratic Party Primary or the Republican Party Primary. All qualified voters may vote in either primary, but voters may not vote in both primaries.

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