Election Data Analysis Election Forensics Election Integrity programming technical

Manassas City, VA : Mismatch between 2021 Absentee Counts and Machine Tape Records

By law in VA copies of the return sheets and machine tapes, or “Statement of Results” (SOR), from tabulation machines are public record and must be made available for 60 days after the election. (see VA 24.2-658) A grassroots team of a number of volunteers (coordinated through Virginia First Audits) made a concerted effort to collect images of a number of these tapes for specific localities of interest. I have been going through these tapes and comparing the results they show with the official results presented by the VA Department of Elections. The 60 day window ends Jan 1, 2022. If you would like to assist in recording and preserving SOR and Tape information, please see this telegram channel

The reported totals of counted votes on the tapes should match exactly to what is reported as counted votes by the VA Department of Elections, after correctly omitting over-votes/under-votes and separating out provisional ballots (which is simple to do with the way VA reported its data). I have confirmed this should be the case via multiple email and phone conversations with election experts and officials, in an effort to make sure that I wasn’t missing some obvious process or fact that could account for the discrepancies.

We were not allowed to photograph the SOR for Manassas City, but we were allowed to view and transcribe the results by hand. Myself and two other volunteers viewed and transcribed these results on 12-23-2021. There is only 1 congressional district in Manassas City, so there is only one set of Central Absentee Precinct data, and there are 6 physical precincts.

SOR and Machine Tape Data:

PRECINCTTape DemocraticTape LiberationTape RepublicanTape UNDEFINEDTotal
## Provisional1312016
##AB – Central Absentee Precinct9021424911166
##EV – Central Absentee Precinct213420159243750
##PE – Central Absentee Precinct28113042
001 – DEAN53583750918
002 – WEEMS5531656401133
003 – METZ568863521213
004 – HAYDON527858221119
005 – BALDWIN46184823954
006 – ROUND42325522979
Table 1: Transcribed Statements of Results (SOR) and Machine Tape data for Manassas City. Collected 12-23-2021.

VA Dept of Elections Data (Certified Official Election Results):

## Provisional1312016
##AB – Central Absentee Precinct9131525111180
##EV – Central Absentee Precinct213420159243750
##PE – Central Absentee Precinct28115044
001 – DEAN53583750918
002 – WEEMS5531656401133
003 – METZ568863521213
004 – HAYDON527858221119
005 – BALDWIN46184823954
006 – ROUND42325522979
Table 2: Official VA Department of Elections data


PRECINCT(VDOE-Tape) Democratic(VDOE-Tape) Liberation(VDOE-Tape) Republican(VDOE-Tape) UNDEFINEDTotal% Diff from VDOE Total
## Provisional000000.00%
##AB – Central Absentee Precinct11120141.19%
##EV – Central Absentee Precinct000000.00%
##PE – Central Absentee Precinct002024.55%
001 – DEAN000000.00%
002 – WEEMS000000.00%
003 – METZ000000.00%
004 – HAYDON000000.00%
005 – BALDWIN000000.00%
006 – ROUND000000.00%
Table 3: Comparison of Results between SOR and VA Dept of Elections Data