View VA Poll Watcher Reports Results – General

Displaying 1 - 19 of 19
Report Date
Report Type
Party Affiliation
Locality Name
Precinct Address
Precinct Type
Shift Start Time
Shift End Time
# Poll Pads
Poll Pads Reset to Zero
Paper Backup
Poll Pads Have Correct Date Time
# Voters on the poll pads?
# Check-Ins on the poll pads?
# Scanners
Scanner 1 ID / Serial #
Scanner 1 Lifetime Count
Scanner 1 Ballot Count
Scanner 1 Date Time Correct
Scanner 2 ID / Serial #
Scanner 2 Lifetime Count
Scanner 2 Ballot Count
Scanner 2 Date Time Correct
Scanner 3 ID / Serial #
Scanner 3 Lifetime Count
Scanner 3 Ballot Count
Scanner 3 Date Time Correct
Scanner 4 ID / Serial #
Scanner 4 Lifetime Count
Scanner 4 Ballot Count
Scanner 4 Date Time Correct
Scanner 5 ID / Serial #
Scanner 5 Lifetime Count
Scanner 5 Ballot Count
Scanner 5 Date Time Correct
Other Issues